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Offerta di dottorato presso l´Universita di Trento

Aperto da yakopuz, Lun 16 Agosto, 2021, 14:34:02

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One PhD position is now open at the University of Trento (Italy), Center Agriculture Food Environment (C3A), School in AgriFood and Environmental Sciences.

The position is supported by a grant co-financed by DICAM and Hypermeteo.

Project title: Development and testing of new parameterisation schemes and downscaling procedures for high-resolution numerical weather prediction and reanalysis.
Code: ENVI11.
Advisors: Prof. Dino Zardi (C3A/DICAM), Dr. Gianluca Ferrari (Hypermeteo).
Application deadline: 24 August 2021 16:00 CEST.

Research topic:
The research project goals include implementing a set of modelling and data analysis algorithms aimed at producing datasets representative of past and future state of the atmosphere, from local to global scale, especially for those meteorological variables that have the most significant impact on the economic activities and society.
In particular, the project aims at improving the performance of simulations from existing numerical weather prediction models through a three-fold approach:
(1) development and testing of innovative parameterizations of physical processes within the adopted numerical weather prediction models;
(2) improvement of initial and boundary conditions of model runs through the assimilation of data from a variety of observations (e. g. surface temperature, surface wind strength and direction, soil moisture content, vertical profiles of temperature and
winds, etc.);
(3) development and testing of suitable ex-post downscaling techniques for refined estimate of model output or evaluation of subgrid-scale processes.

Research team and environment:

the research team will involve researchers from the Research Unit "Meteoclimatology of agricultural  and forest systems and vegetation-atmosphere-climate interactions" at the Center Agriculture Food Environment (C3A) and from the Atmospheric Atmospheric Physics Group at the Department of Civil Environmental Engineering (DICAM) at the University of Trento, as well as from Hypermeteo.
Further cooperation is foreseen with other research bodies and universities, in Italy and abroad.
Recommended skills:
Sound background in atmospheric and climate sciences.
Experience in the treatment and analysis of meteo-climatic data.
Skills in numerical modelling, in particular with weather and climate prediction models.

More information about the call:

Submission of applications at:
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